Kern County, CA
Aging & Adult Services MenuTransportation
Dial-A-Ride Services
- Arvin Dial-A-Ride: (661) 854-3139 (Serving Arvin & Lamont)
- California City Dial-A-Ride: (760) 373-8665
- Delano Dial-A-Ride: (661) 721-3333
- Ridgecrest Dial-A-Ride: (760) 499-5020 (Serving Ridgecrest, Inyokern, & Randsburg)
- McFarland Dial-A-Ride: (661) 792-3092
- Shafter Dial-A-Ride: (661) 746-2955
- Taft Dial-A-Ride: (661) 763-3822
- Tehachapi Dial-A-Ride: (800) 323-2396
- Wasco Dial-A-Ride: (661) 758-7222
Kern Transit Services
Kern Transit Dial-A-Ride serves the following areas: Bakersfield, East Kern, Frazier Park, Kern River Valley, Lamont, North Kern, and Taft. All Kern Transit vehicles are equipped with wheelchair lifts. Reduced fares offered to seniors 62 and older, and persons with disabilities, with appropriate ID. Service is provided on paved and maintained roads ONLY.
- Kern Transit Website
- Downloadable Reduced Fare Application
- Bakersfield Medical Dial-A-Ride: service to passengers connecting to Bakersfield through a Kern Transit route that will take you from the GET Downtown Transit Center directly to the medical office where your appointment is. Reservations must be made at least one day in advance, but no earlier than two weeks in advance. Service is provided on a space available basis.
Serves: Bakersfield. A low cost door-to-door ride share transportation service for seniors 60 and older/qualifying individuals with a permanent disability. (Physicians Report required if under age 60). Transportation services are available Monday through Friday for doctor appointments, senior activities, grocery shopping and other essential trips. A $2 fee will be charged for each one-way trip.
Get Bus
Serves: Bakersfield. This program provides curb-to-curb service in the Metropolitan Bakersfield Area to qualified persons with disabilities, using air-conditioned, lift-equipped vans. Offers reduced fares for seniors 65 and older, Medicare Cardholders, and customers with disabilities with appropriate ID.